Friday, July 2, 2010

A poem for each of my children & one for them all

A bright shiny moon                    my Calm safe place                      a Breath of fresh air
My first blood                                Open honest eyes                        Reminder of my light
Born in so much love                   searching my souL                      I look at you in awe
Early in my life i knew                a place just for you is thEre        And i knew my life has changed
Realizing dreams in you              Opening completely to you          iN every wonderful way
Near my heart for ever                 i simply lovE you                         i caN't imagine loving you more
                                my children AlwayZ there

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Crystal of Knowledge

As December 21, 2012 approaches many people are wondering and pondering different theories as to what it all means. Myan prophecies and biblical speculations of end times are some of the sources being examined to determine what we may come to expect in the next couple years. Environmentalists and scientists are warning of impending doom and disaster. The fact is, is that many of the theories could easily be true and reaching an agreement is just not going to happen. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is what we do with our time here, now.

I believe that people are waking up around the world and a new understanding and Truth will be unlocked on a global scale. I have been seeking the Truth my whole life. I have never ceased. In the last few months there have been many Truths and realizations that have been unlocked in my awareness. I have been testing these truths against everything that I have learned and studied about different religions and science alike and have found that when what is known is looked at with the key of these Truths in hand it is applicable universally.

I do not claim to have any specialty in any religious knowledge or history. I was raised in a traditional christian home, went to non-denominational church every Sunday and spent the first nine years of my education in Christian schools. I have spent extensive time reading and studying the bible. I have spent a good amount of time in recent years learning about Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, paganism and many different tribal beliefs. I have come to believe that all of them offer profound truths and most of them are completely complimentary.

1. We are all part of the Divine. Everything in the natural universe is a part of the Divine. The universe is One voice, One Light which is whole, which is holy.
2. Our individual auras and energy systems are the Light of the Divine and are a color in the spectrum of pure Light.
3. When we understand our Light and Divinity, when we understand our color and the colors of those around us we can begin to understand how each color enhances and helps other colors.
4. When we work in groups that represent the full spectrum and are putting our energy into a common purpose, the energy and magnetism that the full spectrum of light creates is much, much more powerful and creates a gravity. The universe will always conspire in our favor. This is the law of attraction working in perfect Light and synchronicity.
5. Light and energy have a natural vibration. The higher the vibration, the more enlightened the individual becomes. Enlightened literally means in the light.
6. There is no sin or wrong-doing that does not begin in fear. Fear is the father of lies, it is the root of all evil. Fear is a delusion. It is not real.
7. Love is the perfect universal law. When all things are treated with and looked at with love it is not possible to sin. War could not exist. Abuse and power struggles for control would end. Greed would disappear.
8. When we remove our fear and treat all things and people with love we are in harmony with the Whole. We are acting in in accordance with universal laws that recognize the Divinity in all things.
9. Everything has its opposite and equal. We have known this universal truth. So when we create the idea of good, we are also creating its opposite, the idea of bad or not good. We need to rise above the duality of this reality and become Whole.
10. When individuals and groups of the full spectrum raise their energy, when the vibration of light has reached its full potential, pure light is the result...perfection and energy of pure light can not stay static and at the speed of light rejoins the Source of All. This is Ascension, Heaven, Nirvana, bliss.
11. These are universal Truths that are represented and agreed upon in most religions and are just misunderstood, misinterpreted and packaged in different ways to help humankind remember their Divinity and wake up to the reality that we are beings of Light made in the Divine's image.
12. The universe is operating under these universal Truths and nature is filled with reminders of these Truths. Because of these Truths we can begin to understand that time is limited for humanity on earth. We need to raise our vibration and ascend before the earth becomes inhabitable.
13. Laws that affect things on a microscopic level are also the same as the laws that govern the macrocosm. Pure Light always returns to its source.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself...

A wee bit about me: I am an adopted, Irish, wife, ex-wife, girlfriend, mother, daughter, sister, friend, artist, neurotic, open-minded, honest, truth-seeking, non-exclusive, unique, and divine dork who immensely enjoys taking pictures and editing them, drawing, reading, talking to great people, cooking and listening to my husband create the perfect soundtrack to it all.

I have been ignoring my more creative side for years, just doing little projects here and there but never throwing myself into all that I have rattling around in my brain (which is an alarming amount and often so cluttered and chaotic that I frequently tuck tail and run… which has saved my life numerous times). So I find myself at a very unique time in my life and things are very uncertain. I have never had to trust and just take it one day at a time so much before in my life…no safety nets, no safety accounts, no plan B or C or even necessarily a plan A...and I'm down with that.

I have an eclectic past and a thing or two to say about it. It’s not always pretty, but I have nothing to hide so once in a while it will come out. If you don’t want to know, or are too “sensitive” to deal with some real-life issues then I caution you against any further reading. I will not be censored on my own page. I will be honest, myself, often blunt and hopeful that a few of you will be helped, uplifted, smile, cry, or do whatever the fuu…heck you need to do to be the healthiest, most whole person you can be…even if it takes making fun of my life or opinions in order to do it. I really try to not take myself so seriously. Most importantly, I am allowed to be wrong. I have relaxed my position on the need to be right and always appreciate updating my views in light of more education.

I am bored with America’s lack of common sense (or as we like to call it…uncommon sense). I am an early thirties woman on a mission; to impart my small bit of logic to a hopefully diverse group of unique and wonderful individuals who might be able to appreciate my sometimes biting and usually sarcastic take on life as we know it in modern day America… screw it, I’ll go off on America’s past too.

So, in the hopes of my introduction not turning into a rant, I will stop here and welcome you into this little corner of my life and closet. I hope you get something out of my Modern Day Rantings, and the art of a “Modern Day Mad Woman”.